The Wealth of Nations

The city-state that is the Vatican is a study in excess.  Gold and marble, artworks (commissioned, donated or stolen), great floors of goods filling an entire city.  It is wonderful and awe-inspiring.  It is appalling and shameful.  It is not to be missed.

For those who have never been, the only way to see the Vatican is with a guide.  Pay more for a smaller group with skip the line tickets and a guide that can tell you stories from history.  You will not regret one cent, especially as you walk past the hours long queues to both the museums and to St Peter’s Basilica (which must be visited separately without a guide).  Our guide was terrific (booked through Get Your Guide, the company we used was What a Life tours) and was able to point out hundreds of little points that would be missed by most.  She was also willing to take us into the dark history of the Vatican as well as the good, to give us balance and insight. 

Another awesome day in a wonderful city.

More old shit

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That’s gold.  So much gold…

I nipped out onto the balcony to wave to my hordes of admirers.  

Liggs in repose

Another church for the grumpy bum who said I post too many.  St Peter’s Basilica which is so stupidly big you could fit the Statue of Liberty in the dome.  Could come in use when Trump flogs the statue for cash when he returns as El Pres.

The Crypt

Of course to end the day there was another fountain…and another vino…and another couple (Chicago this time) to disturb with our chatter…

dinner at home accompanied by a fine Chianti.  Bellissimo!


  1. What a display of wealth it is. Frightening really👀 Does look like you guys are thoroughly enjoying Rome👍


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