Our Villa in Tuscany

 Well, not really our Villa, but we can pretend for a little while can’t we?  After the hustle and bustle of Roma where we averaged 30,000 steps and a little under 20km a day, Bagno Vignoni in the Val d’Orcia region in Tuscany is the epitome of serenity.  The plan for the next few days is rest and relaxation.  Oh, and food and vino.  Though that will surprise no one reading this blog. 

And a few words on driving in Italia…they are all batshit crazy!  Bad enough they put the bloody steering wheel on the wrong side of the car, but then they make you drive on the wrong side of the road as well (at least I did when I remembered; my scared shitless passenger may attest to me forgetting on the odd occasion). 160km on the Autostrade with everyone weaving in and out is an adventure only remembered over strong alcohol. 

Doing my George Cluney impression 

Zoro says hi Rob

On the way we stopped off at the hillside fort town of Montapulcino. Another awesome town with great views and delicious panini’s.

This is why we didn’t bring the rest of the family.  They wouldn’t fit. 

I have extra long arms these days

Look Gilly, a Church!


  1. Looks amazing guys

  2. Beloved sister/sister in lawMay 9, 2024 at 7:09 AM

    So whilst waking up to these magnificent photos and travel posts is currently the highlight of my day, I continue to wonder:
    a) Why Andrew still hasn’t figured out that every moment he spends in corporate is robbing the world of possibly the most gifted comedian of our time;
    b) Why Danielle still hasn’t figured out that it’s not too late; and
    c) Dani, what colour are the sheers in that photo? 🤣😘

    Also as a highly qualified health professional* I can confirm that tens of thousands of steps a day more than cancels out the amazing Italian food and wine it would be absolutely criminal not to be enjoying.

    * This might be true

    1. a) Don’t encourage him, I have to spend all my time of the next month with him.
      b) let’s see how the next month goes
      c). Possibly Papal white

  3. Loving your blog, keep it coming 👍


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