The Blue Polo Arriveth

When we spotted the debonair gentleman in the distinctive blue polo shirt at the top of the Rialto, we knew our guide had arrived.  And a wonderful guide he proved as well, as we toured St Marks square, the impressive Palace Ducale, the haunting Bridge of Sighs and the prisons, and then on to Museo Correr.  Not bad before lunch.

This is what a traffic jam looks like at 5:30 in the morning under a Venice bedroom window 

“Fucked if I know whats up that way”, with those words we met our guide for the day, Il Timoteo

Palace Ducale was a study in excess, and it made us happy

The ever alert security in the Palace


After a brief nap / punting excursion it was off to the famous food and wine trail of Venice.  Great fun, despite the three Australians being matched with 8 yanks for the tour, 6 of them gun toting, Trump loving, Republicans.  They proved to be great companions regardless, as we toured the divey bars of lower Venice, and some good food and wine followed.  Unfortunately the last stop was a poorer venue than the lead up, and with high tide hitting at that time we were “flooded in” for the next few hours.  Never one to be discouraged, Il Timoteo opted for the positive route of Limencello and a good laugh and we had another fun end to a long day.

“We go this way first to sample a great Spritz and crostini”, which is what a good, knowledgeable guide says first 

Il Timoteo taking notes on how to guide a tour

You are not drunk, that tower is on a ridiculous angle. Welcome to Venice.  Il Timoteo’s bedroom is also on a 20 degree plane, not a great start even for someone who hasn’t suffered a flood in at a bar earlier in the evening. 

High tide in Lower Venice 

Oh no, we’re flooded in


  1. How good is the Palace and Venice in general, so interesting watching the boats operate with the daily deliveries etc, how awesome to spend time with Tim in Venice!

    1. The palace was awesome Jac, and so is Venice. Great to share it with my beautiful bride and a great friend.


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