On the 18th day they rested, and they were happy

 Today was time for rest in one of the most beautiful spots on the planet after 17 days on the go.  By “rest” we of course mean that we got up and went for a long walk, breakfast, then another slower wander through the streets, but with only 12kms covered using 16k steps it still qualifies as a rest day.

Bellagio is at the apex of the three arms of Lake Como.  early(ish) this morning we took some shots from the top of the point


Fulfilling the requirement for a church a day

Weather turned a little in the afternoon, but we found a spot to stay warm and dry.

Dinner up above Bellagio, not a bad view

Dinner was only so-so, but the view covered all bases


  1. Always good to get a rest day in! Love the pics. Lovely view

  2. So after more than two weeks of European vacation all we've seen (ie all that's been disclosed) is perfect weather; breathtaking views; extraordinary art; incredible food and wine; loved-up selfies and the making of wonderful new friends.

    Bored bored bored.

    I think it's time to share with all devoted readers of this blog what's REALLY going on, for example how is the Finance Minister coping with her Minister for Recreation's propensity to set money on fire? ;-)

    1. Minister for Recreation and occasional idiocyMay 21, 2024 at 4:54 AM

      Your observations are very astute Princess Fiona. Thankfully the Minister for Finance has developed a rather deep love of the Apperitivo, which means the customary attention to the books has had a little less rigour. Let’s just say I would not like to be any of the three strapping young men who were hoping for an inheritance any time in the near future, and if we required Congress to pass our necessary increase to the debt ceiling, then they would insist on some fairly savage cuts in other areas.

      That’s all a problem for future Ministers to resolve; Recreation is already planning the next trip.


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