
We headed off this morning on the slow road to Florence.  On the way we took the opportunity to have our mid-morning cappuccino in beautiful Pienza before the tourist crowds coalesced. It gave me a chance to prove my theory that Pienza is the home of the Italian Space program.  Our guide earlier in the week opined that had the Roman Empire not fallen, triggering the Middle Ages (Dark Ages), the Roman love of science would have meant man landed on the moon 400 years earlier.

One look at the Italian Space Agency in Pienza and I have my doubts.  For a start they have built the premises to look exactly like a Basilica - hardly surprising given everything here looks like a Basilica, church or Chapel. However putting a bell-tower in the rocket seems absurd even to me, who failed year 7 science under the drunk and incoherent teaching of Mr Riorden. 

Reluctantly I’ve come to the view that maybe Pienza is not the home of the Italian Space program.  Nevertheless it is a stunning place and well worth the early morning visit if you’re in the area. Who knows, you may see a rocket launch if you come on the right day  (editors note- Pienza is actually known as ‘The ideal city’ rebuilt by Pope Pius to be the ideal renaissance town intended as a retreat, there is no record of there ever being a space program in or near Pienza)

The suspected site of the Italian Mars 2440 program (at least they are realistic)

Rolling hills of Val d’Orcia of Tuscany

Another morning, another cappuccino in a beautiful town

Somehow our marriage survived the hellish 1.5 hour drive from Pienza to Arezzo; it was touch and go there for a minute. (editors note- we will not speak again of the navigation skills or the toll booth that didn’t park close enough to the car)  We said a very unfond 🖕 to the car and the roads of Italy and hit the train…ahhh bliss!

I can see why people tend to love either Rome or Florence: they are such a contrast.  The crowds were back big time once we hit the streets of Florence. Locals tell us the tourist crowds post Covid are unprecedented and overwhelming. Although it has to be said the people are mostly really respectful and just having fun.  It’s great to see people dressing up in Florence, Rome was a tale of sloppy dressed tourists.   Tonight we have washing to do so we can dress something akin to the local style, tomorrow will be our first real taste of Firenze.

Something that can hold 1.2 billion tourists

For those have stayed this long thought I’d dish up an Easter Egg


  1. Which ever one of you is doing the writing here has totally missed your calling. When you get back, you need to give Charlie Pickering or Shaun Micallef a call. I see a great career in satirical comedy ahead.

  2. Loving your blog. Makes me laugh 😆


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