Brasso Magrar

 Bongiorno from Firenze dear friends.  Or, as I replied to the waiter this morning “Brasso Magrar”. 

My Italian really isn’t improving so I’ve started just saying random words with confidence, an exaggerated Italian accent, and a delightful hand flourish.  For all I know Brasso Magrar means “your mother smells of Elderberries” but with a smile and a wave it sounds great. (Editors note: the idiot did actually become so tongue-tied as to say “Brasso Magrar” to the waiter. I nearly had an accident it was so stupidly funny).

Today was our rest day so we decided on a 5km round trip to the other side of the river, up to Piazzale Michelangelo (seriously, with all the amazing scientists, philosophers and artists that come from Florence, surely one thing could be named other than “Michelangelo”) and then further up to the Basilica di San Miniato al Monte.  In the unlikely event that someone reading this blog has never been to Florence, the views from up there are amazing.  Far better way to see Florence than from the streets.  The cemetery at the Basilica is pretty awesome too, if you like lots of marble and massive mausoleums dedicate to families with probably dodgy histories.  

Some wall, maybe Great Wall of China, not sure*

Basilica di San Miniato al Monte - well worth the trek to visit

And then it was out for drinks, and dinner. Of course.  Don’t tell our dietician or doctor.  
Rooftop bar where I had a Negroni, as recommended by my friends and/or sister.  I subsequently learned the “Negroni” stands for poison in Italian and the description of the drink says “For Enemies”(editors note - my Rosso di sera was delicious)

Can anyone explain why there is a store in the middle of Florence that sells rubber ducks?

Pretty awesome new art outside the Uffizi

This dude takes his occupation seriously 

Please keep the comments coming, we love hearing from you. Share your own experiences of Italia with us as well. 

* Editors note: the wall in question is not the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of China is in China, not Florence. 


  1. We had a whistle-stop tour of Florence in 1997. I would love to go back and see it in detail like you are.

  2. The rubber ducky shop is so random, we saw a few!

  3. Ah the Negroni. Never too early or late for a couple of those

  4. Once you have tried a Negroni in Florence, you will never go back. Indeed, you will never drink one again. Disgusting


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