Michelangelo, Vienna, and an interesting couple from Norway

We have travelled from Michelangelo’s David, to the Wiener (Vienna) Philharmonic Orchestra, finishing with a trip to the fjords of Norway, and we end the day fuller for each and every experience.  Sadly we don’t have many photos to share, but when you are in these moments, the last thing you want to do is reach for your phone or camera.  What I can tell you is the shear joy and amazement I felt when I saw the magnificent sculpture that is David for myself. That moment will stay with me forever, no photo could do that justice.  We spent our morning enjoying David and the rest of the Accademia Gallery; the crowds are no where near as bad as you would think, at least for an early entrance.

The rest of the day found us roaming far and wide through Florence, including a delicious Schiacciate at All’antico Vinaio for lunch (these dudes started with a small shopfront in Florence a few years ago, they now have 4 in Florence and have spread into other capitals).  A word on Florence centrale at the moment, it freaking stinks!  I don’t know what’s going on with the sewers, but every storm water drain you walk past - and there are a lot of them - gives off a fetid stench.  Steer clear of the heart of Florence till they solve this particular problem  

Three early morning calls for Mothers Day..amazing!

The evening brought us Mozart and Schubert from the Wiener Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Ricardo Muti (no relation to Ricardo Dunlevie) at the Teatro del Magico Musicale Fiorentino (which could mean Florence Opera House we think). It was sublime, and even better to finally be somewhere where we were younger than everyone else in the packed auditorium (by 70 or 80 years in some cases).

The night ended with dinner at Osteria Bella Donna (thanks Jac for the great recommendation) where we ended up doing a Corcoran and making friends with a couple from Norway. Amazing stuff, they live in the far north where the Northern Lights and the all day sunshine makes up parts of each year. Evy swims all year round, with the highest sea temperature hitting 1 degree - that’s some crazy stuff!


  1. Amazing post, great photos and you both look gorgeous all dressed up! Looks like the weather is continuing to smile on you too. Just loving these blogs guys, thanks a million from all of us at home who feel like we're on holidays with you. Love xxx


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