Le Tour de Versailles

A recommendation from multiple people when we were planning this holiday was “ You must go to Versailles, and you should book a bike tour with a picnic lunch”.  We did, and we are thankful.

Our tour guide was amazing, had great stories and just a fun-loving nice guy.  The group consisted of our French guide, us two Aussies, and, of course, 11 Yanks.  7 of them lovely, chatty, really friendly, and then there were the 4 from NY who are proof that money doesn’t buy you class, and ‘roids will fuck with your brain.  Anyway, the rest of us ignored them, even when we had to wait an extra 20 minutes when they were late back from lunch, and enjoyed life.

Our guide for the day, Joris, was fun and informative 

Lunch goods purchased from the fresh market in Versailles
Fois Gras, Le poulet, fromage, baguette and Rosé

Marie-Antoinette’s something

“Brother Maynard, bring forth the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch”

Chandelier anyone?

“Brother Maynard, bring forth the Holy Hand Grenade…”

We were a bit tired tonight so Dan asked me to pop out and find somewhere for dinner….

It was an exhaustive search of the area I undertook

It took some coaxing but the promise of a Grasshopper
and some share plates eventually got Dan to do the dash
across the street.


  1. I love the view from your apartment window

    1. I was hoping for something a little more French😂😂


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