Bonjour Monsiers et Madams

Bonjour Monsiers et Madams, bienvenue à Paris.  Votre guide pour votre visite de cette grande ville sera André et Daniella.

We started our day early, with a train trip to locate the Eiffel Tower, which is on the opposite side of Paris from where we are staying - some 12 stops away.  Climbing (well, technically “lifting”) to the top of the tower to start our week in Paris was perfect.  The views are amazing, but also to understand the sheer size of this great city.  It stretches out to the horizons with towers, apartments, gardens, and amazing old shit.  The sheer thought that our apartment in Marais is a 1.5 hour walk from the Eiffel Tower, and both are considered Paris, is astounding.

It was an awesome day: Moët on the Tower at 10 am is a must do, the Seine, Arc de Triumphe (named for the famous English car manufacturer popular in France in the 1950s*), lunch on the Champs Élysées, the Louvre (well, outside anyway, too many dudes queued to attempt entry), Notre Dame, and loads of other stuff.  28,000 steps and over 20 kms covered and every inch worth it.  Lots of areas blocked off due to building or renovation for the Olympics, but still a great day and heaps of photo opportunities.

(Editors note- it appears Paris is making the most of any “spare spaces” and has elected to fill everything not currently in use with a pop up stadium for the Olympics)

* fact check needed.  The French try to tell you the Arc is actually something to do with French winning wars and not car manufacturers, however anyone born after 1800 can’t remember the French winning a war, so it’s doubtful.  Let’s go with the car manufacturer until proven otherwise.

A friend

Thanks friend

Seriously, what a city what a vista!

It doesn’t pay to be a Mussel when The Editor is in town

No idea what the lunatic in the back is doing
People tried to give him money to get him to move on

That’s probably why

Still loads of restoration going on at Notre Dame
Middle and back all covered with scaffolding 


Different city; same result

We finished with a perfect meal at a small restaurant in Marais - Cafė de Musee - that claimed to have the best Boeuf Bourguignon in Paris.  I can’t attest to that as I have not tried every Boeuf Bourguignon in Paris (that can wait for a future holiday), but it was bloody good and SOOO rich.  After the escargot-stuffed mushrooms it sadly did not leave room for fromage or crème brûlée, so we are going back tomorrow night for desert only. In fact we are thinking a full meal of deserts is required - the French don’t use as much sugar as we do, they rely on flavour and richness instead - bring on desinner!

Escargot and mushrooms in a vat of garlic and oil

Magnificent 💥 


  1. Absolutely awesome isn't it! You guys look like you're having a ball. Going to Versailles?

    1. Yeah mate, having a ball and Paris is stunning - such a perfect contrast to Italy, and to Melbourne. We’re off to Versailles tomorrow for the day, and have Champagne tour Tuesday. Today we’re going to visit Sacre Coure and have lunch around montmarte. Then a nice aimless wander back for a few hours per usual. Nice to wake up to a Blues victory this morning too!


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