Whatever the weather

It had to happen.  We awoke to a cold and dreary morning, so we snuggled back into bed, turned up the heater, ordered some room service and immersed ourselves in a good book.

Bollocks to that!

Warm clothes, a raincoat and a cappuccino and we were off to see the world.  

The damp and clouds and a little drizzle seemed to enhance the colours around us - the gardens, trees and old buildings took on a new and fascinating look.  So we visited the gardens of Bellagio, jumped on a very wet ferry and visited Varenna and walked the cobbled streets, then returned in time for Signor Sole to poke his head through the clouds and deliver a perfect afternoon to the lake.

You can’t look up in Italy without seeing God

A wet day in the charming, but very boring, Varenna

Apparently 200 steps down to the most romantic spot in Varenna.  Not worth it. 

The obligatory Chiesa…

Seriously, why the fuck did I walk down all those steps?

Bellagio is beautiful in any weather

With the Sun out it was time for our speedboat tour of the inner Lake Como, viewing the homes of the rich and famous, who rarely visit yet own half the lakeside.  A lazy €126k per week will get you Richard Branson’s home - JM you should keep that in mind. The trip was fantastic, with views that seemed to never end.  Out of the interests of keeping at least two readers on this blog for future editions, I have massively culled the photos I want to share - I hope what’s left bring you good memories and good cheer.

Our hand made mahogany ride

Bransons holiday pad, available at just €126,000 per week

Felt a bit like Branson myself for a moment there

Contemplating the injury crisis inflicting the Blues, and deciding I don’t really care

A duck

And to end the day it was, of course, Apperitivo, laughs and dinner.  A highlight was the young couple who had four photographers with them doing shoots all around our hotel bar (where we, of course, were propped).  Dan couldn’t help herself so sidled up to one of the photographers and asked “are they anyone in particular or just Instagammers?”  Apparently the bloke is a famous footballer from Germany who has just had his bubble burst big time. 

Night falls over our hotel


  1. Richard Branson’s SisterMay 22, 2024 at 6:39 AM

    I have decided that The Duck will inform every decorating decision I make from this day forward. I’m serious blog followers, go back and have another look at how perfect The Duck looks.

    The lake, mountains, 007 boat and evocative soundtrack all look pretty nice too 😁


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